پيترو تاكا
(تم التحويل من Pietro Tacca)

Giambologna's equestrian bronze of Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany for the Piazza della SS. Annunziata; completed by his assistant, Pietro Tacca.
پيترو تاكا Pietro Tacca (16 سبتمبر 1577 - 26 أكتوبر 1640)، هو معماري ونحات وسباك برونز إيطالي، وكان من كبار تلاميذ ورواد گيامبولونا. بدأ تاكا في الطراز التكلفي وعمل في طراز الباروك خلال فترة نضجه.
العمل في مجموعات المتاحف
- Bargello, Florence: a representative selection of his small bronzes of animals
- J. Paul Getty Museum: Two putti holding shields, 1650–55
- Hermitage, St Petersburg: Boy blowing a horn c. 1620
- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco: Slave (18th century reduction)
- National Gallery, Washington DC: Several bronzes attributed to Pietro Tacca in the Robert H. Smith Collection (Checklist, 2002; pdf file)
- Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna: Heracles Supporting the World from the collection of Louis XIV
- Frick Collection, New York: Nessus and Deianira after a model by Giambologna, now attributed to Pietro Tacca
معرض الصور
Monumento a Filippo III, Plaza Mayor, Madrid.
Monumento dei Quattro Mori, Livorno.
Fontana del Porcellino, Museo Bardini, Firenze.
Monumento a Filippo IV, Plaza de Oriente, Madrid.
انظر أيضاً
- Antonio Susini, another collaborator of Giambologna.
قراءات إضافية
- K.J.Watson 1973. Pietro Tacca, successor to Giovanni Bologna: the first twenty-five years in the Borgo Pinti Studio: 1592-1617 Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania)
- P. Torriti 1975. Pietro Tacca di Carrara, (Genoa)
وصلات خارجية
- Web Gallery of Art: Sculptures by Pietro Tacca
- Pietro Tacca (Italian)
- "La statue équestre de Philippe IV à Madrid, par Pietro Tacca" (بالفرنسية)
- Carlo Francini, "Restoration of the equestrian statue of Ferdinand de' Medici in Piazza SS. Annunziata"
- Paris Pittoresque: Pont Neuf (بالفرنسية)