تصويت تراكمي

(تم التحويل من Cumulative voting)
A points method ballot design like this one is the most common for governmental elections using cumulative voting. Voters are typically instructed to make only one mark per column.

التصويت التراكمي Cumulative voting، هو نظام انتخابي متعدد-الفائزين يهدف الى تعزيز انتخابات التمثيل النسبي أكثر من winner-take-all.



In an equal and even cumulative ballot, as in Peoria, an individual's vote is fractionally divided evenly among all candidates for whom he or she indicates support. As the number of candidates increases, this can result in the need for computing sums of multiple fractions.

Fractional vote ballot

معيار النظم الانتخابية


Corporate ballot

Tactical voting

Plumper votes

Spread-Out votes

مقارنة بالتصويت المحدود

انظر أيضا


وصلات خارجية