معامل بل
(تم التحويل من Bell Labs)
معامل بل في نيوجرسي بأمريكا هي معامل تنشط في مجال الأبحاث تعمل حاليا لصالح شركة ألكاتل ، أسست سنة 1925 بعد اندماج معمل أبحاث الهاتف والتلغراف الأمريكي ومعمل أبحاث الكهرباء الغربي فشكلوا معامل بل و أطلق الاسم تكريما لاسم العالم جراهام بل مخترع الهاتف. ساهمت المعامل كثيرا في تطور علوم الليزر والمقاحل وحصلت على ست من جوائز نوبل تقديرا لإنجازاتها.
الاكتشافات والتطويرات
Bell Laboratories logo, used from 1969 until 1983
- 1937: Clinton J. Davisson shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for demonstrating the wave nature of matter.
- 1956: John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley received the Nobel Prize in Physics for inventing the first transistors.
- 1977: Philip W. Anderson shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for developing an improved understanding of the electronic structure of glass and magnetic materials.
- 1978: Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson shared the Nobel Prize in Physics. Penzias and Wilson were cited for their discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, a nearly uniform glow that fills the Universe in the microwave band of the radio spectrum.
- 1997: Steven Chu shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for developing methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light.
- 1998: Horst Stormer, Robert Laughlin, and Daniel Tsui, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery and explanation of the fractional quantum Hall effect.
- 2009: Willard S. Boyle, George E. Smith shared the Nobel Prize in Physics together with Charles K. Kao. Boyle and Smith were cited for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit—the CCD sensor.

Reconstruction of the directional antenna used in the discovery of radio emission of extraterrestrial origin by Karl Guthe Jansky at Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1932.

The first transistor, a point-contact germanium device, was invented at Bell Laboratories in 1947. This image shows a replica.
وصلات خارجية
- Bell Labs
- Timeline of discoveries as of 2006
- Bell Labs' Murray Hill anechoic chamber
- Bell System Memorial
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