حور (شجرة)

(تم التحويل من نبات الحور)

Poplar, Aspen, Cottonwood
Western Balsam Poplar foliage
التصنيف العلمي


Sect. Populus
Sect. Aegiros
Sect. Tacamahaca
Sect. Leucoides
Sect. Turanga

شجر الحور في الخريف

الـحَـوْر (بالإنجليزية: Poplar)هو شجر من فصيلة الصفصافيات، خشبه لين تسهل معالجته، يستعمل في صناعة الأثاث واللوازم الخشبية.

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A fastigiate Black Poplar cultivar of the Plantierensis Group, in Hungary
  • Populus section Populus - aspens and white poplar. Circumpolar subarctic and cool temperate, and mountains farther south (white poplar warm temperate)
    • Populus tremula - Common Aspen, Trembling Aspen or Eurasian Aspen. Europe, northern Asia.
    • Populus tremuloides - Quaking Aspen or Trembling Aspen. North America.
    • Populus grandidentata - Bigtooth Aspen. Eastern North America.
    • Populus adenopoda - Chinese Aspen. Eastern Asia.
    • Populus sieboldii - Japanese Aspen. Eastern Asia.
    • Populus alba - White Poplar. Southern Europe to central Asia.
      • Populus × canescens (P. alba × P. tremula) - Grey Poplar
  • Populus section Aegiros - black poplars or cottonwoods. North America, Europe, western Asia; temperate
    • Populus nigra - Black Poplar. Europe.
    • Populus deltoides - Eastern Cottonwood. Eastern North America.
    • Populus fremontii - Fremont Cottonwood. Western North America.
    • Populus petrowskyana - Russian Poplar. Europe/Asia.
  • Populus section Tacamahaca - balsam poplars. North America, Asia; cool temperate
    • Populus angustifolia - Willow-leaved Poplar or Narrowleaf Cottonwood. Central North America.
    • Populus balsamifera - Ontario Balsam Poplar. Northern North America.
    • Populus trichocarpa - Western Balsam Poplar or Black Cottonwood. Western North America.
    • Populus laurifolia - Laurel-leaf Poplar. Central Asia.
    • Populus simonii - Simon's Poplar. Northeast Asia.
    • Populus maximowiczii - Maximowicz' Poplar. Northeast Asia.
  • Populus section Leucoides - necklace poplars or bigleaf poplars. Eastern North America, eastern Asia; warm temperate
    • Populus heterophylla - Swamp Cottonwood. Southeastern North America.
    • Populus lasiocarpa - Chinese Necklace Poplar. Eastern Asia.
    • Populus wilsonii - Wilson's Poplar. Eastern Asia.
  • Populus section Turanga - subtropical poplars. Southwest Asia, east Africa; subtropical to tropical
    • Populus euphratica - Euphrates Poplar. Southwest Asia.
    • Populus ilicifolia - Tana River Poplar. East Africa.
  • Populus section Abaso - Mexican poplars. Mexico; subtropical to tropical
    • Populus mexicana - Mexico Poplar. Mexico.
  • الحور الأبيض.
  • الحور الأخضر.
  • الحور الأهبل


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