ملف:03381jfBarangays Road 8 Project 25 Vasra Visayas Avenue Quezon Cityfvf.jpg

الملف الأصلي(4٬608 × 3٬456 بكسل حجم الملف: 5٫84 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)

وصف قصير

English: List of roads in Metro Manila List of barangays of Metro Manila, Legislative districts of Quezon City Barangays of Quezon City Barangays Project 6, Quezon City 14°39'34"N 121°2'23"E Culiat 14°39'55"N VASRA 14°39'30"N 121°2'52"E (Visayas Avenue) 121°3'24"E Bahay Toro 14°39'58"N 121°1'44"E Pasong Tamo 14°40'58"N 121°3'25"E Teresa Village 14°40'1"N 121°2'20"E Quezon_City surrounded by the List of rivers and estuaries in Metro Manila San Juan River (Metro Manila) tributary of Pasig River (Note: Judge Florentino Floro, the owner, to repeat, Donor Florentino Floro of all these photos hereby donate gratuitously, freely and unconditionally all these photos to and for Wikimedia Commons, exclusively, for public use of the public domain, and again without any condition whatsoever).
⧼wm-license-information-date⧽ 2016, {{time}} – invalid date format 49 (help)
⧼wm-license-information-source⧽ ⧼Wm-license-own-work⧽
⧼wm-license-information-author⧽ Judgefloro


Public domain
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حالي ★ مراجعة معتمدة
22:10، 24 أكتوبر 2023
تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 22:10، 24 أكتوبر 20234٬608 × 3٬456 (5٫84 ميجابايت)Pastakhov (نقاش | مساهمات)Upload https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/03381jfBarangays_Road_8_Project_25_Vasra_Visayas_Avenue_Quezon_Cityfvf.jpg

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