دولت الرابع گراي
دولت الرابع گراي | |
خان القرم | |
العهد | 1769 - 1770 |
قرم گراي | |
سليم الثالث گراي | |
الحكم | 1775 - 1777 |
السلف | صاحب الثاني گراي |
الخلف | شاهين گراي |
وُلِد | 1730 |
توفي | 1780 اسطنبول، الدولة العثمانية |
المدفن | |
الأنجال | سليم الثالث گراي |
الأب | أرسلان گراي |
الديانة | الإسلام السني |
دولت گيراي الرابع (1730 - 1780) خان القرم من أسرة گيراي، حكم فترتين 1769-1770، ثم 1775-1777. وهو ابن الخان أرسلان گيراي، وحفيد الخان دولت الثاني گيراي.
From 1750 to 1756 Devlet Giray was a seraskir of the Budzhak Horde . In 1767, Devlet Giray was appointed kalga . Having taken the khan's throne for the first time in 1769 , Devlet IV Giray appointed his brothers Shehbaz Giray and Mubarek Giray as kalga and nureddin . In 1775, Devlet IV Giray, elected khan for the second time, appointed his younger brothers Shahbaz Giray and Mubarek Giray as kalga and nureddin.
The main task set by the Ottoman Sultan for Devlet IV Giray during his first reign was the khan’s participation in the recently begun Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774) . Devlet IV Giray began to gather an army, but, as it turned out, not everyone in Crimea was interested in the success of the campaign. Some beys decided to take advantage of the current situation in which the Russians were gaining the upper hand over the Ottomans. These people entered into secret negotiations with Russia and actually disrupted the mobilization of troops. As a result, the khan's participation in the war turned out to be of little use for the Turks, and the ruler lost his throne on charges of inactivity. In 1773 he was sent by the Sultan to liberate Crimea, occupied by Dolgorukov . Through the Caucasus and Kerch, Devlet Giray entered the Crimea and reigned there instead of Sahib II Giray , supported by Russian troops. He demanded from the Ottoman Sultan that he terminate the treaty concluded with Russia on the independence of Crimea, return the peninsula under his supremacy and take Crimea under his protection. Istanbul, fearing a new war with St. Petersburg, did not dare to do this.
Catherine's forces attacked Crimea from Or Kapı on 21 November 1776. They captured the castle in Or Kapı, which controlled the entrance to Crimea. They headed towards Bakhchisaray, the throne city of Crimea .
The Nogay lords in the Kuban , called the Little Nogay Region in the North of the Caucasus, also joined Şahin Giray and took action together with Russia.
Thus VI. Devlet Giray Khan was not only left alone against the Russian occupation in Crimea, but also had to fight against the forces of his own people as a result of Russian policy. There was complete indignation in Crimea and the surrounding lands belonging to the Crimean Khanate. The Crimeans were divided between the Ottomans and Russia, and Crimea was unable to defend itself. Şahin Giray was declared the Crimean Khan in January 1777, with the help of the Russian occupation forces and the support of the Noghais.
Thus, Devlet Giray left Crimea and came to Istanbul to ask for help. He reached Istanbul on April 9, 1777, but was dismissed from the khanate and remained in Turkey. وقد توفي بعد ثلاثة أعوام، في 1780، في بلدة ڤيزه، تكيرداغ، عن عمر 52 عاماً. Thus, the Ottoman Empire, whose dominance in Crimea lasted for more than 300 years, ended in VI. It ended with Devlet Giray losing power. After long turmoil, the Crimean Khanate disappeared from the stage of history in 1783 and Crimea became Russian territory.