دارل عيسى

(تم التحويل من دارل إيسا)
دارل عيسى
Darrell Issa
Darrell Issa 117th Congress.jpg
رئيس لجنة مجلس النواب للاشراف واصلاح الحكومة
تولى المنصب
3 يناير 2011
سبقه إدولفوس تاونز
عضو مجلس النواب الأمريكي
عن الدائرة 49th في كاليفورنيا
تولى المنصب
3 يناير 2003
سبقه Susan Davis (politician)
خلفه Incumbent
عضو مجلس النواب الأمريكي
عن الدائرة 49th في كاليفورنيا
في المنصب
3 يناير 2001 – 3 يناير 2003
سبقه Ron Packard
خلفه Christopher Cox
تفاصيل شخصية
الحزب جمهوري
Marcia Enyart
Kathy Stanton
(m. 1980; div. 2021)
الأنجال William Issa
الإقامة ڤيستا، كاليفورنيا
التعليم Siena Heights University (BA)
الجامعة الأم جامعة كنت الولائية ستارك، كلية سيينا هايتس
المهنة تنفيذي بصناعة الإلكترونيات
الدين مسيحي روم أرثوذكس
التوقيع Darrell Issa
الموقع الإلكتروني House website
الخدمة العسكرية
الولاء  الولايات المتحدة
الخدمة/الفرع الجيش الأمريكي
سنوات الخدمة 1970-1980
الرتبة US-O3 insignia.svg Captain

دارل إدوارد عيسى (إنگليزية: Darrell Edward Issa؛ ولد 1 نوفمبر 1953) هو نائب أمريكي عن دائرة الكونگرس رقم 49 بولاية كاليفورنيا ، وسابقاً الدائرة48، ويخدم منذ عام 2001. وهو عضو في الحزب الجمهوري. وكان سابقاً رئيس شركة ديركتد إلكترونيكس، المصنـِّع في ڤيستا، كاليفورنيا لمنتجات حماية السيارات من السرقة وللتحذير من رادار الشرطة. تتكون دائرته الانتخابية من أجزاء من جنوب مقاطعة ريڤرسايد وشمال مقاطعة سان دييگو. وقد أخذت تلك الدائرة الرقم 48 أثناء فترته الأولى، ثم أعيد ترقيمها إلى الدائرة 49 بعد تعداد 2000. منذ يناير 2011، أصبح رئيس لجنة الاشراف واصلاح الحكومة.

وبجانب خدمته في الكونگرس، يـُعرف عن عيسى كونه متبرع كبير في تنحية عام 2003 للحاكم گراي ديڤيس، ومتكلم ضيف في المناسبات الجمهورية. يـُقدر صافي ثروته بما يزيد عن $250 مليون، مما يجعله "أغنى عضو في الكونگرس".[3][4]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


وُلِد عيسى في كليڤلاند، اوهايو، حفيداً لمهاجرين لبنانيين. أمه كانت من المورمون وكان أبوه من الروم الأرثوذكس؛ وكان الثاني بين ستة أشقاء. انتقلت العائلة إلى ضاحية كليڤلاند هايتس، ذات الأغلبية اليهودية، لاحقاً في طفولته. العديد من أصدقائه كانوا يهوداً، وقد عمل عيسى لدى حاخام في وقت من حياته. وقد تعود على الثقافة اليهودية. وتـُعرِّف أسرته نفسها بأنها لبنانيون وليسوا عرباً، متبعين في ذلك مثال الفنان داني توماس.[5]

ماضي مشين

حسب مجلة بيزنس ويك في عدد مارس 2010، أتهم عيسى في شبابه مرتين بسرقة سيارة، وأُسقِطت التهم في المرتين، وجُرِّم بامتلاك مسدس، دفع في المقابل غرامة بسيطة ووُضِع قيد المراقبة ثلاثة أشهر. [6]وبعد تجربتين في الجيش، أوحت له خلافاته مع القانون بإطلاق Directed Electronics التي تصنع نظام الإنذار Viper الخاص بالسيارات، وإذا كنت تملك هذا النظام، قد يكون من المفيد أن تعرف أن الصوت الذي يقول بالإنجليزية: «رجاء، ابتعد عن السيارة»، هو صوت عيسى ذاته.

Issa dropped out of high school and enlisted for a three-year tour in the Army on his 17th birthday.[5][7] He served as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technician, defusing bombs, after having been shown a movie about soldiers in that specialty during World War II. He would later claim his unit had provided security for President Richard Nixon, sweeping stadiums for bombs prior to games in the 1971 World Series, and that he had always received the highest approval ratings during his service.[8] A 1998 investigation by the San Francisco Examiner found that these claims were not true: Nixon did not attend any of that year's World Series games, and at one point Issa was transferred to a supply depot after receiving an unsatisfactory evaluation. According to Issa, the Examiner reporter had misunderstood an anecdote he had related.[5]

A fellow soldier, Jay Bergey, claimed that Issa stole his Dodge Charger in 1971 while they were serving together and that, the day after he confronted Issa, the car was found abandoned on a nearby expressway. Asked about this charge in 2011, Issa denied it and suggested it was possible that other soldiers stole the car or that Bergey, whom he claims had a drinking problem, had abandoned it himself while intoxicated."[5]

After receiving a hardship discharge in 1972 following his father's heart attack, Issa earned his General Educational Development (GED) certificate and began taking classes at Siena Heights University, a small Catholic college in Adrian, Michigan. He continued his military service in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)."[5]

Twice during that year he was arrested. In March, Issa and his brother William were charged with stealing a Maserati from a dealer's showroom in Cleveland. Issa says it was a matter of mistaken identity by the Cleveland Heights police; the case was later dismissed.[5]

Before that had happened, in December 1972, police in Adrian pulled Issa over for going the wrong way on a one-way street and, as he was retrieving his registration, saw in the car's glove compartment what turned out to be a .25-caliber Colt automatic handgun inside an ammunition box, along with a military pouch containing 44 rounds, a tear gas gun and two rounds for that. Issa was charged with carrying a concealed weapon; ultimately he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of possession of an unregistered firearm. He was sentenced to six months' probation and paid a small fine.[5].[9] At the time Issa told police that Ohio law allowed such possession of a handgun with a justification; his was the need to protect the car and himself. Years later, he said that the car and gun were his brother's, which William Issa supported. He had been unaware of the gun's presence when inadvertently driving the car the wrong way down the alley and that, to the extent of his knowledge, there had been no ammunition present. The entire incident, he had believed, had been expunged.[5]

Issa later transferred to Kent State University, where he completed his studies. His brother William believes this period shaped Issa's conservatism, in contrast to the leftism that prevailed among much of the student body there. After graduating with a degree in business administration in 1976, he returned to active Army service as an officer.[5]

He served as a tank platoon leader and a computer research and development specialist. During this time, his performance assessments were highly positive. In 1980, while he was stationed at Fort Ord near Monterey, California, one of his superiors, Wesley Clark, later a general and Democratic presidential candidate, wrote that "[t]his officer's performance far exceeded that of any other reserve officer who has worked in the battalion." Captain Issa, he said, had "unlimited potential" and should be promoted ahead of others.[5]

Issa decided to return to civilian life instead. A week before he was discharged, he and his brother were arrested again on theft charges. Near the end of 1979, William Issa, who by then had served federal and state prison time for theft, had sold his brother's 1976 Mercedes-Benz sedan to a San Jose dealership for $16,000, giving the dealer an Ohio license with Issa's name on it. Issa had soon reported the car stolen and told the police he had left the title certificate in the trunk.[5] Issa made conflicting statements to police about whether or not he had obtained a second license and also about his brother, whom he had recently seen at Christmas in Cleveland Heights. With the investigator suspicious that the brothers might have conspired to commit insurance fraud, they were indicted. Issa said he had no knowledge of his brother's intentions; William said Issa had given him power of attorney a few weeks beforehand and had authorized him to sell the car. Issa bought the Mercedes back from the dealership for $17,000 in February; in August, the case was dropped.[5]

In 2011, Issa aknowledged that he had tried to cover his brother's crime, avoiding incriminating him.[5] Both men say that William Issa planned and executed the scheme; William says Issa had "always kept the title stuff in his car".[5] According to Issa, he remained close to his brother in spite of his brother's activities and had ridden, as a boy, with William in cars he knew must have been stolen, saying in 2011 that "I admired my brother even when he was doing wrong.... I was always the kid at his ankles."[5]


قضية الأسرى اللبنانيون

في 23 يناير 2003 صرح عيسى فيما يخص مشكلة الأسرى اللبنانيين لدى إسرائيل: "ان موضوع الأسرى اللبنانيين مختلف عن الأسرى الاسرائيليين، لأن الصليب الأحمر الدولي يزور الاسرى اللبنانيين في السجون الاسرائيلية ولا يتمكن من زيارة الاسرى الاسرائيليين في لبنان". [10]الذي نفاه أهالي أحد الأسرى ويدعى يحيى سكاف أن هذه المعلومات مغلوطة ولا تمت الى الحقيقة بصلة.

باراك اوباما

نشرت مجلة بيزنس ويك في عدد مارس 2010 مقالة عن داريل عيسى جاء فيها عن كيفية استغلال عيسى للغضب الشعبي بسبب الأزمة الاقتصادية التي شهدها وال ستريت وركز الانتباه على تقييم ادارة باراك اوباما في حلها للأزمة.

=وسائل الإعلام

قلّما تكشف تحقيقات عيسى عن مخالفات كعضو في الكونجرس، لكن المسألة ليست هنا. فبدلاً من ذلك، يحاصر الرجل أهدافه لشهور بأسئلة عدوانية واستدعاءات. ويعدّ التسريب المتعمّد للمعلومات الى الرأي العام جزءاً من التحقيق. وتبرز التقارير الاستقصائية والمستندات المستدعاة للجنة غالباً في وسائل الإعلام قبل جلسات الاستماع. يقول عيسى: «تشكّل وسائل الإعلام المصدر الأكثر قيمة لنا».


  1. ^ "Darrell Issa". Federal Directory (fee via Fairfax County Public Library). Bethesda, MD: Carroll Publishing. 2011. Gale Document Number: GALE |K2415002216. Retrieved September 7, 2013. Biography In Context. (يتطلب اشتراك)
  2. ^ Barone, Michael; Chuck McCutcheon (2011). The Almanac of American Politics 2012. Washington, D.C.: National Journal Group. pp. 267–69. ISBN 978-0-226-03807-0.
  3. ^ Montopoli, Brian. (November 6, 2009). 237 Millionaires in Congress. CBS News.
  4. ^ "Personal Finances — Net Worth, 2008". opensecrets.org; Center for Responsive Politics.
  5. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض Lizza, Ryan (January 24, 2011). "Don't Look Back". The New Yorker. Retrieved January 20, 2011.
  6. ^ نوافذ، عن المستقبل اللبنانية: داريل عيسى الجمهوري الصاعد والمثير للجدل
  7. ^ Broder, David S. (December 21, 1997). "California's Battle of the Bankbooks". The Washington Post.
  8. ^ Williams, Lance. (May 29, 1998). Issa's Army record in doubt: Candidate's account can't be verified. San Francisco Chronicle.
  9. ^ Williams, Lance, San Francisco Examiner, July 2, 2003 "Darrell Issa held twice on illegal weapons charges and convicted in '70s on misdemeanor count"
  10. ^ بنت جبيل، كلام داريل عيسى أثار أهالي المفقود سكاف

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