إتيان-جول ماري
جول ماري Étienne-Jules Marey (و 5 مارس 1830 – 21 مايو 1904) عالم فرنسي وعالم في التصوير الدقيق كان متخضصص في تصوير القلب والاوعية الدموية والتصوير السنمائي والتصوير أثناء الطيران وكان رائداً في التصوير السينمائي على نطاق واسع جدا.
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أثناء دراسته بكيفية تحرك الدم في جسم الإنسان ونبضات القلب ، قام باختراع السفگموگراف وهو جهاز يوضح الرسم البياني لمخططات نبض القلب .
French physiologist and chronophotographer who, while studying how blood moves in the body, invented the sphygmograph. This device made a graphical record of the pulse and variations in blood pressure. One end of a lever rested on the veins in the wrist, while a stylus on the other end inscribed the fluctuations of the heart onto a carbon-blacked strip of paper moving at a uniform speed. He took an interest in the flight of insects and birds. In 1869, Marey demonstrated how an insect flies by moving its wings in a figure-8 shape. Inspired by Muybridge's work, Marey studied the movement of animals by photographing multiple images on a single plate. He also used a high-speed motion camera to produce film to view in slow motion.

| Étienne-Jules Marey
]].- The science of movement and the image of time: online exhibition by the BIUM (Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de médecine et d'odontologie, Paris), with the Collège de France and Pr Marta Braun (Ryerson University), author of Picturing Time : The Work of Etienne-Jules Marey (University of Chicago Press, 1992)
- Movements of Air, Etienne-Jules Marey, Photographer of Fluids
- Online exhibition of images, and movies, and animation
- Etienne-Jules Marey: digital library, BIUM (Paris)
- Photo, bibliography, and biography in the Virtual Laboratory of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science