جوليوس مالـِما
جوليوس مالـِما Julius Malema | |
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الرئيس السابق رابطة الشباب | |
في المنصب أبريل 2008 – أبريل 2012 | |
نائب الرئيس | أنديل لنگيزا، رونالد لامولا |
سبقه | فيكيل مبالولا |
تفاصيل شخصية | |
وُلِد | جوليوس سـِلو مالـِما 3 مارس 1981 سشگو |
القومية | جنوب أفريقي |
الحزب | المؤتمر الوطني الأفريقي (1990–2012) |
الكنية | Juju |
جوليوس سلو مالـِما Julius Sello Malema، (و. 3 مارس 1981، في سشگو)، هو سياسي جنوب أفريقي، والرئيس السابق رابطة الشباب التابعة لحزب المؤتمر الوطني الأفريقي. مالـِما شخصية شهيرة مثيرة للجدل في جنوب أفريقيا، برز اسمه على الساحة السياسية لتدعيمه زعيم المؤتمر الوطني الأفريقي، وفيما بعد رئيس جنوب أفريقيا، ياكوب زوما. وصفه زوما[1] ورئيس وزراء محافظة لمپوپو ثم "الزعيم المستقبلي" لجنوب أفريقيا.[2] بأنه "واقعي" متهور ويمتلك قدرة على زعزعة استقرار جنوب أفريقيا واشعال الصراع العنصري.[3] اُتهم مالـِما بتهمة إثارة الكراهية في مارس 2010[4][5][6] ومرة أخرى في سبتمبر 2011.[7] في نوفمبر 2011 أدين بخلق الانقسامات الداخلية في رابطة الشباب، وحكم عليه بعقولة لمدة سنتين مع إيقاف التنفيذ في مايو 2010، وتعليق عضويته في الحزب لمدة خمس سنوات.[8] في 2011، أدين مرة أخرى بتهمة إثارة الكراهية بعد دعوته لقتل البيض.
في 4 فبراير 2012، أعلنت لجنة النقض في المؤتمر الوطني الأفريقي عن عثورها على سبب لتغيير قرار اللجنة التأديبية الذي صدر في 2011،[9] لكننها لم تجد دليل في ظل تطور الظروف، مما دعى المؤتمر الوطني الأفريقي إلى فرض أقصى العقوبة. في أبريل 25، 2012 خسر مالـِما النقض الذي كان قد قدمه مما أدى لطرده من الحزب فوراً.
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حياته المبكرة
ينتمي مالـِما إلى شعب الپدي، وكان قد ولد في 3 مارس 1981 في سشگو. كانت والدته ربة منزل وكان يعيش معها في غياب والده..[10][11] في سن التاسعة أو العاشرة انضم إلى تنظيم ماسوپاتسلا التابع للمؤتمر الوطني الأفريقي.[11] .[10] كانت مهمته الرئيسية إزالة ملصقات الحزب الوطني بطريقة غير قانونية.[11]
استغرق مالـِما وقتاً طويلاً لينهي دراسته الثانوية، حيث تخرج في سن الحادية والعشرين من مدرسة ماهلاكانـِنگ الثانية في سشگو، ليمپوپو؛ راسباً في معظم المواد الدراسية.[12][13][14] عام 2010، حيث كان في ال22 من عمره، حصل على دبلوم من جامعة جنوب أفريقيا. يدرس حالياً في نفس الجامعة للحصول على بكالوريوس الفنون في الاتصالات واللغات الأفريقية.[15]
عمله السياسي
عمله السياس المبكر
اُنتخب مالـِما رئيساً لفرع رابطة الشباب في سشگو والرئيس الاقليمي في عام 1995. عام 1997 أصبح رئيس لتنظيم طلبة مؤتمر جنوب أفريقيا عن محافظة ليمپوپو، ثم انتخب رئيس وطني للتنظيم في 2001.[16] في 2002، قاد مالـِما تلاميذ المدارس في مسيرة كوزاس، عبر شوارع جوهانسبورگ التي صاحبها أحداث عنف ونهب.[13]
انتخابه كزعيم لرابطة الشباب
في أبريل 2008 أُنتخب رئيساً لرابطة الشباب.[17] تميزت الانتخابات – والمؤتمر – كما وصفهمها مالـِما نفسه فيما بعد "بالادارة الغير لائقة".[18]وقد انتقد وشكك في نزاهته انتخابه.[19] أعيد انتخابه مرة أخرى في 17 يونيو 2011 في عقار گالاگهر في ميدراند، بعد أن رُفض ترشيح لبوگانگ مياله، لكونه مرشح المعارضة الوحيدة.[بحاجة لمصدر]
زيارته زيمباوه في 2010
في 3 أبريل 2010، قام مالـِما بزيارة إلى زيمبابوه، in what was described as a visit on indigenisation. كان يتوقع لقاء الرئيس روبرت موگابه. فور وصوله إلى هراره، استقبله مدعمو زانو-پيإف بالإضافة إلى وزير الشباب والتوطين الزيمباوي ساڤيور كاسوكويره، ورئيس شباب زانو-پيإف أبسولوم سيكهوزانا، ورجال أعمال زيمبابويون أصبحوا من المشاهير في السنوات الأخيرة.[20] أدان رئيس الوزراء الزيمبابوي مورگان تسڤانگيراي زيارة مالـِما، بعدما انتقد مالـِما حزب حركة التغيير الديمقراطي (MDC)، الزي يتزعمه تسڤانگيراي.[21] أثناء الزيارة، وصف مالـِما تسڤانگيراي أنه حليف "الإمبرياليين"، ودعا إلى مصادرة المناجم والمزارع في جنوب أفريقيا على غرار ما حدث في زيمبابوه. (انظر أسفل المقال).[22] انتقدت منظمات الشباب في زيمبابوه زيارة مالـِما، مستشهدة بتصريحاته الراديكالية المثيرة للجدل واتهاماته بالفساد.[23] أثارت تعليقات مالـِما أثناء الزيارة المخاوف من أن تتبع جنوب أفريقيا النموذج الزيمبابوي الفوضوي في تطبيق سياسة الإصلاح الزراعي.[23] اتهم مالـِما أيضاً حركة التغيير الوطني بممارسة العنف السياسي في زيمبابوه، ودافع عن سجل حقوق الإنسان والسجل السياسي لروبرت موگابه.[24]
بعد عودة مالـِما من زيمبابوه، أصدرت رابطة الشباب بيان تشيد فيه بسياسة موگابه في مصادرة الأراضي. ودعت أيضاً لاتباع نفس النهج في جنوب أفريقيا، ودخول المجال الزراعي للحد من الاعتماد على المزارعين البيض.[25] ولا يزال دعم رابطة الشباب لمالـِما قوياً على الرغم من وجود بعض الاختلافات.
جاءت زيارة مالـِما في الوقت الذي كان يحاول فيه الرئيس جاكوب زوما التوصل إلى تسوية سياسية في زيمبابوه، وتسببت تلك الزيارة في عدم الاستقرار بين أعضاء المؤتمر الوطني، لكن زوما رحب بهذه الزيارة.[26] بالرغم من ذلك، فقد أصدر المؤتمر الوطني الأفريقي فيما بعد بياناً يعلن فيه تبرأه من الدعم الانتخابي الذي قدمته رابطة الشباب لتنظيم زانو-پيإف.[27]
حادث صحفي بي بي سي
On 8 April 2010, at a Johannesburg media briefing covering his visit to Zimbabwe, Malema was involved in a racial abuse incident with Jonah Fisher, a BBC journalist.[28] Malema had been criticising the Movement for Democratic Change for having offices in affluent Sandton, when BBC journalist Jonah Fisher commented that Malema himself lived in Sandton. Malema lashed out at Fisher, after Fisher described Malema's comments as rubbish.[29][30][31][32][33][34] Malema was unapologetic about his actions, and accused Fisher of being disrespectful, and of coming from a country [the UK] which undermined the credibility and integrity of African leaders.[35] After the incident Malema said he expected an apology from Fisher[36] However, the next day, the ANC issued a statement condemning Malema's actions during the news conference.[27][36] On 10 April 2010, at a Durban news conference, where he characterised Malema's conduct as "alien to the ANC",[37] President Jacob Zuma publicly criticised Malema's behaviour [38] saying that "the manner in which a BBC journalist was treated at an ANC Youth League press conference is regrettable and unacceptable, regardless of any alleged provocation on his part", and said that he had spoken to Malema about his conduct by telephone.[39][40] Malema remained defiant after Zuma's rebuke.[37]
تعرضه للاجراءات التأديبية من قبل الحزب
On 18 April 2010, it was reported that Malema faced disciplinary procedures by the ANC for bringing it and the government into disrepute.[41][42] The charges related to his endorsement of Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF party during his visit to Zimbabwe, when President Jacob Zuma was trying to broker a negotiated settlement in the country, a controversial incident involving a BBC journalist, his comments on the murder of Eugène Terre'Blanche, and unfavorably comparing Zuma to his predecessor Thabo Mbeki, after Zuma called a press conference reprimanding Malema.[43] Julius Malema faced a "hostile" disciplinary committee on 3 May 2010.[44]
On 11 May 2010, Malema entered into a plea bargain, and three of the charges against him were dropped (the attack on the BBC journalist, his endorsement of Mugabe, and his singing of "shoot the Boer" after it was banned). He pleaded guilty to criticising Zuma after Zuma publicly censured him, and was ordered by the disciplinary committee to make a public apology for his conduct, fined R10 000 to be donated to a youth development project, and to attend anger management classes. He was also warned of suspension from the ANC if he re-offended within two years. Malema complied, apologising "unconditionally", stating that he accepted that his "conduct and public utterances should at all times reflect respect and restraint"[بحاجة لمصدر].
التأميم واعادة توزيع الأراضي
Malema became a vocal advocate of nationalising South African mines.[45][when?] Although the ANC, including Mining Minister Susan Shabangu, and president Jacob Zuma[46] made it clear that this was not ANC policy,[47] Malema continued to advocate this position. Malema's opinions on nationalisation are not shared by South Africa's large National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), which stated that it is against the nationalisation of South Africa's mines[بحاجة لمصدر]. At a public meeting at the University of Western Cape, Malema asked: "Why should we pay for our land?"[48] He then advocated the return of land without compensation and the removal of the "willing buyer, willing seller" principle. At a June 16 Youth Day celebration, Malema accused white South Africans of "stealing land" and again advocated for the redistribution of land without compensation.[49]
In April 2010 Malema led a youth delegation to Venezuela to study that country's nationalisation programme.[50]
أنشطة أخرى كزعيم لرابطة الشباب
Malema campaigned enthusiastically for the ANC in the April 2009 elections. However, he was asked to leave Port Elizabeth's Dora Nginza Hospital after the head of the hospital noticed him and 20 other ANC members campaigning in the wards.[51] In an apparent effort to reach the new youth, Malema also began visiting schools. These visits were criticised by Deputy President of South Africa, and of the ANC, Kgalema Motlanthe for being disruptive to education.[52]
In early 2010, Malema urged ANC Youth League members to join the South African National Defence Force, and said that there were plans for the Youth League leadership to join the reservist programme.[53] The military training was confirmed in May 2010, with the naval [54] training due to commence in September 2010.[55]
In March 2010, in what was widely held to be a rebuke of Malema, the ANC's National Executive Committee (NEC) lashed out at the "new culture of public feuds, insults and personal attacks" and adopted a policy of disciplining those who became involved in public disputes with members of the governing ANC-SACP-COSATU alliance.[56]
Malema's bid for a second term as Youth League president received a boost in 2010 when a number of Eastern Cape ANC Youth League regional conferences in the Eastern Cape elected candidates remained loyal to him,[57] although there were some allegations of irregularities from Malema's opponents.[58] In Malema's home province, Limpopo, a fiercely contested race for the Youth League presidency had been expected.[36] The Limpopo meeting experienced vigorous discussion, on occasion degenerating into violence. Malema's rivals and journalists were reportedly ejected by police, at the behest of Malema.[59][60]
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عرضه على اللجنة الإنضباطية
On Aug 30, 2011 Malema was subjected to a disciplinary hearing by the ANC. Malema's supporters held a rally in the center of Johannesburg that turned into a violent confrontation such as the country had not seen since the end of apartheid. Some of the protesters held placards with slogans like "South Africa for blacks only",[61] that caused many disapproving reactions from the black community.
Malema subsequently submitted an application to have all charges against him revoked. The ANC's National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) met on the 31st August 2011 and 1 September to deliberate on this application. The ruling was delivered at 09h00 on the 2 September 2011. The NDC dismissed Malema’s application to have the charges quashed.[62]
On 10 November 2011, Malema was found guilty of contravening Rules 25.5(c) and (i) of the ANC Constitution[63] for expressing views at a press conference of the ANC Youth League on 31 July 2011 "which sought to portray the ANC government and its leadership under President Zuma in a negative light in relation to the African agenda and which had the potential to sow division and disunity in the ANC, and for expressing his personal views on Botswana which contravened ANC policy."[64] Malema had said his league would establish a 'Botswana command team'. This team would work towards uniting all opposition forces in Botswana to oppose what he had called the puppet regime led by the Botswana Democratic Party.[65] Malema was suspended from the ANC for five years.[8]
Convictions handed down by the National Disciplinary Committee to ANC Youth League leaders were upheld by an appeals committee on Saturday 4 February 2012. As a result Malema was stripped of his title and party membership.[9] The NDC was instructed by the National Disciplinary Committee of Appeal (NDCA) to hear evidence in mitigation and aggravation of sanction in the cases involving Sindiso Magaqa, Floyd Shivambu and Julius Malema.[64]
On 29 February 2012, the National Disciplinary Committee, chaired by Derek Hanekom, announced the results of their review from Luthuli House. In their statement the NDC characterised the relationship between the ANC and the three respondents as "contractual in nature", bound by a "membership oath". It goes on to state that the respondents "were fully aware of the provisions of the ANC Constitution; they considered themselves bound by the ANC Constitution and they undertook to respect the ANC Constitution and its structures."[64] The report characterised Malema as a repeat offender who was unrepentant and did not accept the findings of the disciplinary machinery of the ANC. Their conclusion in respect of Malema was:
"The NDC is of the view that if comrade Malema is not prepared to accept final decisions of the NDCA, then the likelihood of him respecting the ANC Constitution is remote." —point 74 of the report[64]
The NDC expelled Malema from the ANC, ordered him to vacate his position as President of the ANC Youth League, but gave him leave to appeal to the NDCA against sanction within 14 days.[64] On 24 April 2012 the appeal process ended when the NDCA confirmed his expulsion with immediate effect.[66]
مشاركته في عقود حكومية
Reports about Malema's possible involvement in state tenders (contracts)[19] began appearing in November 2009.[67] Questions about his personal lifestyle were raised by the South African media.[68][69][70][71][72][73][74] Some analysts suggest that this is also known as being a tenderpreneur, which is the early emergence of a form of kleptocracy, or predatory behaviour by a clique in the ruling elite, to generate personal wealth by capturing resources.[75]
In March 2010, addressing the allegations at a rally at a university campus, Malema, sang the struggle song "shoot the Boer"[76] (see below), and lashed out at opposition politicians. He also attacked COSATU general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi.[77][78]
In August 2010, the Public Protector released a report which cleared Malema of involvement in state tenders in Limpopo. This was received with scepticism by some.[79]
تهديد الصحفيين
A few weeks after the tender controversy was first reported, the ANC Youth League released the personal details of City Press Investigations Editor Dumisane Lubisi, his wife and his children, including their identity numbers, bank details, residential address and vehicle details.[80] Lubisi had reported on the poor construction quality of the Limpopo projects carried out by Malema's firms.[81][82] The ANCYL made claims that it had evidence that journalists were corrupt in several respects.[83][84]
In response, a large group of political journalists complained [85] to various authorities within the ANC and to the South African National Editors' Forum (SANEF) stating that they viewed the release as an attempt to intimidate them into not publishing further stories, and as a threat to media freedom. They further questioned how a political organisation obtained sensitive personal information without breaking the law.[86][87] The Sowetan newspaper, in an editorial, called the steps to silence journalists "tyrannical", and accused the ANC Youth league of exploiting its closeness to "state and institutional power", to intimidate journalists who wrote about Malema.[88] SANEF also released a statement supporting the journalists.[89]
Malema then issued a statement that the ANCYL would continue to expose journalists.[90]
Journalists Piet Rampedi and Adriaan Bassoon were subjected to various threats and forms of intimidation while covering a story on corruption by Julius Malema.[91]
تحري تهم بالنصب
When he was overseas at a friend's wedding in Mauritius at the end of October 2011, it was reported[بحاجة لمصدر] in various South African media that Malema faced various charges of corruption, fraud and money laundering – these charges having been brought forward by the Special Investigative Unit, the Hawks.[بحاجة لمصدر] At the core of the allegations is the Ratanang Trust, a trust ostensibly set up by Malema and named for his son – with his son and grandmother listed as beneficiaries – but allegedly is the focal point for payments made by politically-connected businessmen in return for lucrative state tenders, mostly in the impoverished Limpopo region.
Malema has since denied all wrongdoing, while various investigations continue.[بحاجة لمصدر]
خطاب إثارة الكراهية مارس 2010
On March 15, 2010 Malema was convicted of hate speech by the Equality Court, fined R50 000 and ordered to apologise unconditionally,[4][5][6] following a 2009 incident when he told a group of Cape Town students at a South African Students' Congress (SASCO) meeting that the woman who accused ANC president Jacob Zuma of rape had a "nice time" with him because in the morning she had "requested breakfast and taxi money"[92] Following the conviction SASCO expressed "delight" at the ruling and attacked Malema for the "gratuitous abuse" of the platform that SASCO granted him [93]
أغنية "اقتل البوير"
In March 2010, at a rally on a university campus Malema sang the lyrics "shoot the Boer" (Dubul' ibhunu[94]) from the anti-apartheid song Ayasab' amagwala (the cowards are scared)[95] ("Boer" is the Afrikaans word for "farmer", but is also used as a derogatory term for any white person[96][97]). His singing was compared to similar chants by deceased Youth League leader Peter Mokaba in the early 1990s, to "kill the boer",[95] which had previously been defined as hate speech by the South African Human Rights Commission.[98]
Malema's singing of the song led to a barrage of complaints against him, both to the police, and to the commission.[98][99]
The ANC said "We wouldn't appreciate any statements against any member of our society, including whites... they are also South Africans", however, it "had not taken a decision in the matter".[100]
The Southern Gauteng High Court ruled on 26 March 2010 that Malema's song (which he had continued singing at public gatherings [101]) was "unconstitutional and unlawful", and that any person singing it could face charges of incitement to murder, stating that the song called for the killing of the "farmer/white man", however, the ANC defended the song.[102] The ANC announced it would appeal the ruling. The Northern Gauteng High Court, on 1 April 2010 then granted an interdict preventing Malema from publicly uttering the words of this or any other song which could be considered to be instigating violence, distrust and/or hatred between black and white citizens in the Republic of South Africa" until the matter was heard by the Equality Court, to which the case was referred by the presiding judge.[103][104]
In the aftermath of Eugène Terre'Blanche's April 2010 murder, senior leaders of the ANC temporarily banned the singing of the song, amid concerns that struggle songs were being used to "scapegoat" the ANC and to further racial hatred, and because of concerns that ANC leaders who continued singing the songs may have been in contempt of the court orders banning the singing of the song.
President Jacob Zuma, at a 10 April 2010 news conference said Malema was "totally out of order" for ignoring ANC instructions to obey the court order banning the singing the song. Zuma emphasised the constitutional role of the judiciary and the rule of law, and also said that the role of the judiciary "as the final arbiter in disputes" had to be respected, and that defiance of the proper procedures in place to challenge judicial rulings, made a "mockery of the judicial system" and "should not be tolerated".[38][40]
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محاكمته لإثارة الكراهية
In April 2011 Afriforum brought a case of hate speech against Malema in regard to the song and several notable ANC figures such as Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and secretary-general Gwede Mantashe threw their weight behind him in the court battle. Aggressive and patronizing questioning of black witnesses by lawyers for the Afrikaner groups bringing the suit reportedly allowed Malema to portray himself a victim of Afrikaner persecution.[105]
On 12 September 2011, Malema was found guilty of hate speech.[7][106]
براءته من تهم الفساد

وفي 4 أغسطس 2015، محكمة بجنوب أفريقيا تـُسقـِط كل تهم الفساد الموجهة ضد "جوليوس مالـِما"، الشاب النقابي الذي كشف تحالف حزب المؤتمر الأفريقي الحاكم مع شركات التعدين العالمية ضد مصالح العمال. وكشف خواء مزاعم "العدالة الانتقالية" و"لجان الحقيقة والمصالحة".[107]
أطالب منذ 2010 بدعوته للقاهرة. حبذا لو قامت بذلك نقابة غير حكومية.
تصويره في وسائل الإعلام
Malema is known for his controversial statements and has become a frequent target for lampooning. Initially, Cartoonists Zapiro and Jeremy Nell frequently drew him dressed in nappies.[108][109] Some analysts depict him as an orator, with a broad appeal in the young, poor, and disadvantaged black electorate.[110] More recently, as Malema's public profile has grown, he has been described by critics in the media as a "demagogue".[111] He was listed in Time (magazine)'s Least Influential People of 2010,[112] whereas conversely Forbes Magazine named him as one of the "10 Youngest Power Men In Africa" in September 2011.[113]
الحياة الشخصية
Malema is known for his oratory skills.[114] He married his long-time girlfriend in a private ceremony under heavy security in his hometown Seshego in 2014.[115] Their first son Munzhedzi was born in 2016.[116] Their second son Kopano was born in 2018.[117] Malema also has a son named Ratanang from a previous relationship with Maropeng Ramohlale.[118]
فضيحة منزله 2018
Eyewitness News reported that party leader Julius Malema's family residence in Hyde Park, Johannesburg was owned by and located next door to controversial[119][120] cigarette businessman and Carnilinx company executive Adriano Mazzotti.[121][122] The article also stated that Mazzotti donated R200,000 to the EFF for the party's electoral registration for the 2019 election and that fellow Carnilinx executive Kyle Phillips gave a R1 million loan to Malema.[121] Malema stated that his wife rented the property and laid a complaint against the media for publishing the location of his home.[123]
وفاة جدته
On 4 May 2019, on the eve of the Economic Freedom Fighters' final rally ahead of the 8th May South African General Elections, Malema's grandmother, Koko Sarah, who brought him up following the death of his mother, died after a short illness.[124][125][126]
جوليوس مالـِما، يرحب ببوتن وينتقد أوباما ومحكمة الجنايات الدولية |
انظر أيضاً
وصلات خارجية
- Max du Preez: The man is a bully
- Third Degree special on Malema
- Julius Malema – An unlikely leader
- Carte Blanche on Malema
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