
بنتونيت Bentonite هو فيلوسيليكات الألومنيوم الماصة، صلصال غير نقي عموماً يتكون في معظمه من montmorillonite. هناك عدة أنواع من البنتونيت وأسماؤها تعتمد على العناصر السائدة، مثل K, Na, Ca, وAl. As noted in several places in the geologic literature, there are some nomenclatorial problems with the classification of bentonite clays. Bentonite usually forms from weathering of رماد بركاني, most often in the presence of water. However, the term bentonite, as well as a similar clay called tonstein, have been used for clay beds of uncertain origin. للأغراض الصناعية، two main classes of bentonite exist: sodium and بنتونيت الكالسيوم. In stratigraphy and tephrochronology, completely devitrified (weathered volcanic glass) ash-fall beds are commonly referred to as K-bentonites when the dominant clay species is illite. Other common clay species, and sometimes dominant, are montmorillinite and kaolinite. Kaolinite dominated clays are commonly referred to as tonsteins and are typically associated with الفحم.
بنتونيت الصوديوم
التاريخ والتواجد الطبيعي
وصلات خارجية
قراءات اضافية
- Brady, G.S., Clauser, H.R., & Vaccari, J.A. (2002). Materials handbook. (15th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Hosterman, J.W. and S.H. Patterson. (1992). Bentonite and Fuller's earth resources of the United States [U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1522]. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office.
- Milne, G.W.A. (Ed.). (2005). Gardner's commercially important chemicals: Synonyms, trade names, and properties. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Interscience.