المعرفة:مصادر كيميائية
This page links to libraries of chemical data, suppliers of chemicals and to other places where information on chemicals can be found. You searched on:
- CAS: "$CAS",
- Formula: "$Formula",
- Name: "$Name",
- Chebi: "$CHEBI",
- Einecs: "$EINECS",
- PubChem: "$PubChem",
- InChI: "$InChI",
- ATCCode: "$ATCCode",
- DrugBank: "$DrugBank",
- ECNumber: "$ECNumber
- KEGG: "$KEGG",
- CAS/name/formula: "$MIXCASNameFormula" (value = CAS, otherwise NAME, otherwise Formula, otherwise empty),
- CAS/name: "$MIXCASName" (value = CAS, otherwise NAME, otherwise empty),
- CAS/Formula: "$MIXCASFormula" (value = CAS, otherwise Formula, otherwise empty),
- name/formula: "$MIXNameFormula" (value = NAME, otherwise Formula, otherwise empty),
- Use Special:Chemicalsources to manually search on a chemical identifier.
- The identifiers ... identify a specific chemical. Some chemicals can be found with different identifiers. The identifier Name may not give results, depending on the database searched, while the identifier Formula may result in more compounds (isomers) than the one searched for.
- The master copy of this page is located at المعرفة:مصادر كيميائية.
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داخل "المعرفة"
- find this compound by:
These are search-sites with a non-commercial background:
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Bordwell pKa Table pKa values in DMSO
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at CAS
- Find this compound by CAS, name or formula at CDC
- Find this compound by Name, Formula, CAS, SMILES, InChI, CHEBI at ChEBI - Chemical Entities of Biological Interest
- Find this compound by CAS/Name/Formula at ChemExper
- Find this compound by CAS at Chemfinder Compound data.
- Find this compound by CAS/Name or SMILES at eMolecules (formerly Chmoogle) The free chemistry search engine
- Find this compound by CAS/Name/Formula, ECNumber or RTECS at The Chemical Database (University of Akron)
- Find this compound by name at Emea
- Find this compound by KEGG at Genome net
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking) at International Labour Organization
- Find this compound by Name at InChem
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking) at European Chemical Substances Information System
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking) at MSDChem (Ligand Chemistry) - Ligands, small molecules and monomers from PDB entries
- Find this compound by Formula, InChI or SMILES at NCI Database Compound, substance, and bioactivity data
- Find this compound by CAS, Name or Formula at NIST Chemistry WebBook Compound data and spectra
- Find this compound by (no deeplinks) at npi.gov
- Find this compound by CAS/Name/Formula at PubChem Compound, substance, and bioactivity data
- Find this compound by (no deeplink) at Specialized Information Services (SIS) Division of the National Library of Medicine (NLM))
- Find this compound by CAS/Name/Formula at webelements
- Find this compound by (no deeplink) at Beyond Pesticides
- Find this compound by Name at Organic Chemistry Org
- Find this compound by (?) at Organic Synthesis (original link http://www.orgsyn.org/orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=36378]
- Find this compound by Name, CAS or Formula at Globalcheminfo
- Find this compound by CAS/Name/Formula at Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Production numbers, industrial profiles
Sites with production volumes for selected commercial products.
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Chemical Profiles (The Innovation Group)
This database provides spectra of organic compounds (IR, NMR, Mass Spectroscopy
- Find spectra of this compound by (no deeplinking possible, sessions) at AIST
Periodic tables
Electronic periodic tables
- Find this compound by (?) at ChEBI Periodic table
- Find this compound by (?) at WebElements Periodic table
- Find this compound by (?) at Geologicals Periodic table
See also: Periodic table, List of elements by name, List of elements by symbol, List of elements by atomic number; www.geologicals.com
Links to MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), these links are both to publicly funded, as well as, to commercial sites (commercial sites are in italics).
- Find this MSDS by CAS, name, or formula at Acros
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Ajay SQM
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at Alfa
- Find this MSDS by (?) at BioVectra
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at Boulder Scientific
- Find this MSDS by formula at Calibrechem
- Find this MSDS by CAS or name or formula at Clinalfa
- Find this MSDS by (?) at ChemExper (original link: Chemexper search)
- Find this MSDS by (?) at EHS Cornell (original link: Cornell University MSDS index)
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Crystran
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at efunda
(above sites checked for availability of an MSDS, here-under still have to be checked)
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible, sessions) at Fisher Scientific
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at Fisher Chemicals
- Find this MSDS by CAS or name at FMC Lithium
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Germanium Company of America
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at Gelest
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Highveld Steel & Vanadium Corp Ltd
- Find this MSDS by (?) at ilpi (original link: Where to find MSDS on the Internet (very extensive)
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible, sessions) at Lancaster
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at Lonza
- Find this MSDS by CAS or name at Mallinckrodt Baker
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Metall
- Find this MSDS by (?) at MSDSSearch (original link: www.msdssearch.com)
- Find this MSDS by (?) at MSDSWriter (original link: MSDS FAQ (MSDSWriter))
- Find this MSDS by (?) at Nexreg Compliance (original link: MSDS Authoring FAQ (Nexreg Compliance))
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Nukepils
- Find this MSDS by (complex deeplink) at Oxford University UK (original link methane)
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Precious Metals Australia Ltd
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Presschem
- Find this MSDS by CAS, name, formula at Sciencelab
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at Sigma-Aldrich
- Find this MSDS by (?) at Sigma-Aldrich (original link: Sigma-Aldrich Risk and Safety Statements
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Simafex
- Find this MSDS by (?) at SIRI (original link: SIRI MSDS index)
- Find this MSDS by keyword (external, Google search) at Stanford Materials
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at Strem
- Find this MSDS by (no deeplinking possible) at vwr
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Univar Canada
- Find this MSDS by (not searchable) at Univar USA
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Educational and government sites
- Find this compound by (?) at MSM Guide (original link: [1])
- Find this compound by (?) at Iowa State University (original link: MSDS for lead nitrate, Iowa State University)
- Find this compound by name at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Find this compound by (?) at Georgia Institute of Technology (original link: Hydrochloric acid MSDS by Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Find this compound by (?) at Oregon State University (original link: Oregon State fact sheet)
- Find this compound by (?) at Oxford University (original link: MSDS at Oxford University)
- Find this compound by (?) at Tamu (original link: Calorimetric studies of hydroxylamine decomposition)
- Find this compound by (?) at Oxford University (original link: MSDS)
- Find this compound by (?) at MIT (original link: pdf MSDS at MIT)
- Find this compound by (?) at WISC (original link: Bassam Z. Shakhashiri: Chemical of the Week: Carbon Dioxide))
- Find this compound by (?) at Leeds University (original link: BoronWeb)
- Find this compound by (?) at Crystran (original link: Cystran)
- Find this compound by (?) at CSUDH (original link: CSUDH)
- Find this compound by (?) at Reading (original link: Reading University optical data
- Find this compound by (?) at ND (original link: Notre Dame University Safety Data)
- Find this compound by (?) at University of Chicago (original link: Charles Townes on the history of lasers)
- Find this compound by (?) at Stanford (original link: Uranium doped CaF2 laser (pdf file)
- Find this compound by (?) at UTDallas (original link: MSDS at University of texas at Dallas)
- Find this compound by (?) at UWRF (original link: Bill Cordura, University of Wisconsin)
- Find this compound by (?) at Auburn (original link: Vetinary use note at Auburn University)
- Find this compound by (?) at cdiac.esd.ornl (original link: Keeling, C.D. and T.P. Whorf: Atmospheric carbon dioxide record from Mauna Loa), 2002)
- Find this compound by (?) at nlm.nih (original link: FDA Food Grade silica gel - U.S. National Institue of Health Uses in toothpaste and other ingested consumable products
- Find this compound by (?) at usgs (original link: US Government statistics)
- Find this compound by (?) at BBC (original link: Sharp rise in CO2 levels recorded - 381ppm)
- Find this compound by (?) at niehs.nih (original link: NTP Report on Carcinogens – Inorganic Arsenic Compounds)
- Find this compound by (?) at od.nih (original link: NIH fact sheet)
- Find this compound by (?) at ncbi.nlm.nih (original link: Image)
- Find this compound by (?) at atsdr.cdc (original link: Case Studies in Environmental Medicine - Arsenic Toxicity)
- Find this compound by (?) at bt.cdc (original link: NIOSH Emergency Response Card)
- Find this compound by (?) at cc.nih (original link: NIH Description and Hazard Summary)
- Find this compound by (?) at cmdl.noaa (original link: Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (NOAA)
- Find this compound by (?) at giss.nasa (original link: NASA Study Links "Smog" to Arctic Warming — NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) study shows the warming effect of ozone in the Arctic during winter and spring.
- Find this compound by (?) at ncbi.nlm.nih (original link: Maternal toxicity and teratogenicity of tellurium dioxide in the Wistar rat: relationship to pair-feeding. Perez-D'Gregorio RE, Miller RK, Baggs RB. Reprod Toxicol. 1988;2(1):55-61.
- Find this compound by (?) at ne.doe (original link: Space Radioisotope Power Systems Safety)
- Find this compound by (?) at newton.dep.anl (original link: Ask a Scientist: Carbonic Acid Decomposition)
- Find this compound by (?) at niehs.nih (original link: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Ozone Alerts)
- Find this compound by (?) at nlm.nih (original link: [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/uspdi/202092.html Drug information page at the National Institutes of Health
- Find this compound by (?) at nrel (original link: National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Cadmium use in Photovoltaics)
- Find this compound by (?) at nist (original link: MSDS for lead nitrate, NIST)
- Find this compound by (?) at onr.navy (original link: National Compound Semiconductor Roadmap entry for InAs at ONR web site
- Find this compound by (?) at global importer (original link: Meishan Dongpo District Yinfeng Chemical Co.)
- Find this compound by (?) at adelphia (original link: Silica gel: do not eat! Describes silica gel in great detail.
- Find this compound by (?) at GotMercury (original link: Methylmercury-in-fish exposure calculator provided by GotMercury.Org, which uses FDA mercury data with the EPA's calculated safe exposure levels.)
- Find this compound by (?) at clui (original link: Great LakesMinerals Co.)
- Find this compound by (?) at webexhibits (original link: Verdigris – History and Synthesis 6 Feb. 2006
- Find this compound by (?) at aafp (original link: Vitamin Bقالب:Ssub deficiency article in American Family Physician journal
- Find this compound by (?) at A Small Dose of Toxicology)
- Find this compound by (?) at clu-in (original link: Insert non-formatted text heret/Overview/ Contaminant Focus: Arsenic by the EPA).
- Find this compound by (?) at comchemwiki (original link: Computational Chemistry Wiki)
- Find this compound by (?) at copper (original link: Copper.org – Other Copper Compounds 5 Feb. 2006
- Find this compound by (?) at greenfacts (original link: A summary of the above report by [[GreenFacts])]).
- Find this compound by (?) at inchem (original link: Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 53)
- Find this compound by (?) at mindat (original link: Mineral Data)
- Find this compound by (?) at minweb (original link: Minweb with chime structure)
- Find this compound by (?) at multiplemyelmoa (original link: Use of Arsenic Trioxide in Multiple Myeloma Treatment)
- Find this compound by (?) at North American Carbon Program
- Find this compound by (?) at orgsyn (original link: Usage of LiAlH4 in Organic Syntheses))
- Find this compound by (?) at pesticideinfo (original link: Pesticide information)
- Find this compound by (?) at thyroidmanager (original link: Iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis)
- Find this compound by (?) at بطاقة السلامة الكيميائية العالمية {{{1}}} (original link: بطاقة السلامة الكيميائية العالمية 0021 )
- Find this compound by (?) at CID {{{1}}} from PubChem (original link: CID 280 from PubChem)
- Find this compound by (?) at قالب:Inrs (original link: قالب:Inrs)
- Find this compound by (?) at arb.ca (original link: California Air Resources Board Consumer Products Solvents Database)
- Find this compound by (?) at arb.ca (original link: CHIN list of chemical databases)
- Find this compound by (?) at cit.nih (original link: NIH list of resources)
- Find this compound by (?) at ECB (original link: ESIS (European chemical Substances Information System))
- Find this compound by (?) at Chemistry at Sutton College
- Find this compound by (?) at d.umn (original link: Chemical Engineering Resources)
- Find this compound by (?) at d.umn (original link: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SAFETY RESOURCES)
- Find this compound by (?) at Beyond Pesticides (original link: Beyond Pesticides factsheets)
- Find this compound by (?) at epa.gov
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All these links are to the data sheet of the compound at the site of commercial suppliers.
Care has to be taken when using this data, the chemical data provided pertains to the state of the compound as it is sold (e.g. the refraction index stated is that of the compound as it is bought, i.e. it may not be the refraction index of the pure compound)
- Find this compound by (?) at A&C American Chemicals
- Find this compound by Name at American Elements
- Find this compound by CAS, name, or formula at Acros
- Find this compound by (?) at Air Liquide (original link: original link: Data on arsine from Air Liquide
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Ajay SQM
- Find this compound by CAS, name, or formula at Albemarle
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Alfa
- Find this compound by (?) at G. Amphray Laboratories
- Find this compound by (?) at Anaspec (check link)
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at www.dmso.arkema.com
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Aurora Fine Chemicals
- Find this compound by CAS, name, formula (general site search) at BASF
- Find this compound by Bimer Ozone Disinfectors
- Find this compound by (?) at BioVectra
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Boulder Scientific
- Find this compound by formula at Calibrechem
- Find this compound by (?) at ebay chemical & ingedients supplier
- Find this compound by CAS or name or formula at Clinalfa
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Champa Purie Chem industries
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Crystran
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at DuPont
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at efunda
- Find this compound by CAS/Name/Formula at Chemical catalog Compounds, analytical data
- Find this compound by (?) at Ferro (original link: original link: datasheet
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible, sessions) or at Fisher Scientific
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Fisher Chemicals
- Find this compound by CAS or name at FMC Lithium
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Germanium Company of America
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Gelest
- Find this compound by (?) at GRR Fine Chem
- Find this compound by (?) at GRR Exports (India)
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Highveld Steel & Vanadium Corp Ltd
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible, sessions) at Lancaster
- Find this compound by (Name) at immunotec
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Lonza
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Metall
- Find this compound by (?) at Myprotein
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Nukepils
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Precious Metals Australia Ltd
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Presschem
- Find this compound by CAS, name, formula at Sciencelab
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Sigma-Aldrich
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Simafex
- Find this compound by keyword (external, Google search) at Stanford Materials
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Strem
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at vwr
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Univar Canada
- Find this compound by (not searchable) at Univar USA
- Find this compound by (?) at Ceramic Substrates and Components Ltd
- Find this compound by (?) at Goodfellow
- Find this compound by (?) at MP Biomedicals, Inc.
- Find this compound by (?) at Femto Seconds Systems (original link: Femto Second Systems)
- Find this compound by (?) at Kaopectate
- Find this compound by (?) at lb Chemie Uni-Hamburg (original link: List of related Hg chalcogenides)
- Find this compound by (?) at MSANet (original link: Pentaborane safety bulletin, by Callery)
- Find this compound by (?) at fmc (original link: Material Safety Data Sheet)
- Find this compound by (?) at itgo (original link: Grades and Applications of Calcium Chloride)
- Find this compound by (?) at Tessenderlo Group (original link: Hydrochloric acid product information of Tessenderlo)
- Find this compound by (?) at Alkim Alkali Co.)
- Find this compound by (?) at Fermentek biotechnology
- Find this compound by (?) at Amerian Bio (original link: Hydrochloric acid MSDS by American Bioanalytical)
- Find this compound by (?) at American Gas Group
- Find this compound by (?) at Astronautix (original link: Astronautix.com)
- Find this compound by (?) at Base Chemicals (original link: Hydrochloric acid MSDS by Akzo Nobel)
- Find this compound by (?) at BASF (original link: Chemical company BASF info)
- Find this compound by (?) at Bayer Materials Science Nafta (original link: Hydrochloric acid product information of Bayer MaterialScience in North America)
- Find this compound by (?) at Shangyuchem, an oxygen company)
- Find this compound by (?) at Chinatrona (original link: Chinatrona)
- Find this compound by (no deeplinking possible) at Colorado Scientific - The Science Company
- Find this compound by (?) at Cooper Natural (original link: Cooper)
- Find this compound by (?) at Crescent Chemicals Co., Inc.
- Find this compound by (?) at DOW Chemical (original link: Calcium Chloride Handbook from Dow Chemical (pdf 1.6MB))
- Find this compound by (?) at Elementis Chromium (original link: Elementis Chromium)
- Find this compound by (?) at EMD Chemicals (original link: EMD Chemicals)
- Find this compound by (?) at espimetals (original link: MSDS
- Find this compound by (?) at fiz-chemie (original link: Fiz Chimie Berlin thermophysical database
- Find this compound by (?) at Fluorochem
- Find this compound by (?) at Fosrenol (original link: Fosrenol.com - the manufacturer's web site
- Find this compound by (?) at FPNotebook (original link: Amiodarone (FamilyPracticeNotebook.com))
- Find this compound by (?) at Fuji-Silysia (original link: Fuji Silysia Chemical Company History)
- Find this compound by (?) at Gaylord Chemical
- Find this compound by (?) at GFS Chemicals (original link: GFS chemicals - A3336)
- Find this compound by (?) at General Kinetics Inc. Hydrogen Peroxide Rocket Engines and Gas Generators)
- Find this compound by (?) at Glucagon.com
- Find this compound by (?) at Goodfellow (original link: Goodfellow Corporation)
- Find this compound by (?) at Grace Davison (original link: Grace Davidson - a Biography)
- Find this compound by (?) at Hampton Research (original link: Hydrochloric acid MSDS by Hampton Research)
- Find this compound by (?) at Harricksci (original link: Harrick Scientific products)
- Find this compound by (?) at IMC Chemicals)
- Find this compound by (?) at Ineos (original link: INEOS Company History)
- Find this compound by (?) at Intrinsic Semiconductor
- Find this compound by (?) at Jones-Hamilton (original link: Hydrochloric acid MSDS by Jones-Hamilton)
- Find this compound by (?) at JTBaker (original link: J.T. Baker MSDS – Cupric acetate)
- Find this compound by (?) at Kodak (original link: Film Making)
- Find this compound by (?) at LennTech (original link: Carbon Dioxide Production Detailed description of environmental production of CO2 and its effects on Earth
- Find this compound by (?) at Levosil Company)
- Find this compound by (?) at LexMD (original link Glutathione)
- Find this compound by (?) at LoradChemical (original link: Lorad chemical - as an optical coating material
- Find this compound by (?) at Medicinet (original link: Amiodarone (MedicineNet.com))
- Find this compound by (?) at Medscape (original link: Fosrenol - Medscape.com
- Find this compound by (?) at Metall Rare Earth Limited)
- Find this compound by (?) at Pepto-Bismol homepage
- Find this compound by (?) at Pherobase (original link: Pherobase pheromone database entry
- Find this compound by (?) at Prince Sci (original link: Princeton Scientific)
- Find this compound by (?) at Proscitech (original link: MSDS for lead nitrate, ProSciTech)
- Find this compound by (?) at Pullrhenen
- Find this compound by (?) at sciner
- Find this compound by (?) at Sinorth
- Find this compound by (?) at solvay vishnu barium (original link: Barium chloride's use in industry).
- Find this compound by (?) at Alcan
- Find this compound by (?) at SRI Consulting (original link: CEH report on sodium sulfate use)
- Find this compound by (?) at Stanford Materials (original link: Standford Materials)
- Find this compound by (?) at synquestlabs (original link: Synquest)
- Find this compound by (?) at tosoh (original link: Chlor-Alkali information of Tosoh)
- Find this compound by (?) at Trasylol.com (original link: official Bayer website)
- Find this compound by (?) at Tyger Scientific (original link: official Tyger website)
- Find this compound by (?) at Uigi (original link: CO2 Carbon Dioxide Properties, Uses, Applications)
- Find this compound by (?) at VeeCo (original link: Band Gap at Veeco
- Find this compound by (?) at Vitesse (original link: Vitesse DARPA funded 150GHz circuits)
- Find this compound by (?) at VWR
- Find this compound by (?) at Wafertech (original link: Wafer technology polycrystalline)
- Find this compound by (?) at Wafertech (original link: MSDS at Wafertech)
- Find this compound by (?) at Westonaprice (original link: Vitamin Bقالب:Ssub: Vital Nutrient for Good Health at the Weston A. Price Foundation
- Find this compound by (?) at Xeloda for US (manufacturer's website)
- Find this compound by (?) at Xeloda for Non-US (manufacturer's website)
- Find this compound by (?) at Xenics
- Find this compound by (?) at organofunctional silanes from Degussa AG
- Find this compound by (?) at organofunctional silanes for building protection - water repellents - masonry protection - Graffiti Controll - sealer - easy to clean surface from Degussa AG
- Find this compound by (?) at chlorosilanes for telecommunication and electronic materials from Degussa
- Find this compound by (?) at Alkoxy- and Chlorosilanes for Specialty Applications from Petrarch, United Chemical Technologies Specialty Chemical Division
- Find this compound by (?) at Thermphos
- Find this compound by (?) at Gallium nitride
- Find this compound by (?) at Cree Gallium nitride
- Find this compound by (?) at Ferrellgas, a commercial and residential propane supplier (U.S.)
- Find this compound by (?) at THC-pharm, a German producer of THC for pharmacies.
- Find this compound by (?) at H3R
- Find this compound by (http://www.zeusinc.com/$Name.asp Name) at ZeusInc
- Find this compound by (?) at Organic Compounds Database Free compound search by structure
- Another vendor's page, by AG scientific
- Vendor's Mycotoxin Information Site
See also: PubChem, Entrez, PubMed,GenBank,
Chemical database, CAS registry number, InChI, List of inorganic compounds, List of organic compounds, List of biomolecules, List of minerals, Inorganic compounds by element, Dictionary of chemical formulas, Common chemicals;
To be sorted out
- Find this compound by (?) at [] (original link: (Orion ROSS Ultra®)
- Find this compound by (?) at [] (original link: Topac Inc.)
- Find this compound by (?) at Minsk State University)
- Find this compound by (?) at ensmp (original link: ensmp Tiemannite)
- Find this compound by (?) at ESA multimedia (original link: Nitrogen dioxide pollution in the world (image) ESA nitrogen dioxide pollution)
- Find this compound by (?) at usask (original link: "Sodium sulfate";; on Saskatchewan Interactive)
- Find this compound by (?) at medicdirect (original link: Amiodarone (Tiscali.com))
- Find this compound by (?) at webmineral (original link: WebMineral data)
- Find this compound by (?) at cie.iarc (original link: IARC Monograph "Arsenic and Arsenic Compunds")
- Find this compound by (?) at IARC (original link: IARC Monograph "Hydrogen Peroxide")
- Find this compound by (?) at American International Chemical
- Find this compound by (?) at American Elements
- Find this compound by (?) at American Elements
- Find this compound by (?) at Anaesthetist (original link: Amiodarone (The WorldWide Intensivist))
- Find this compound by (?) at Beyond Pesticides
- Find this compound by (?) at Blue Rhinos (original link: Molview from bluerhinos.co.uk See Carbon dioxide in 3D
- Find this compound by (?) at Buyersguide Chem (original link: Buyer's Guide Chemicals)
- Find this compound by (?) at Calcium Chloride (original link: Facts about Calcium Chloride Dust Control)
- Find this compound by (?) at Chem World
- Find this compound by (?) at Chem Buddy (original link: Density table for hydrochloric acid)
- Find this compound by (?) at Chemfindit
- Find this compound by (?) at chemicalland21 (original link: Boric acid at ChemicalLand21)
- Find this compound by (?) at Cooper Natural (original link: Uses (Cooper))
- Find this compound by (?) at CS Monitor (original link: Algae-Like a Breath Mint for Smokestacks dicusses the use of waste CO2 from power plants to grow oil-rich algae which can be processed to obtain biodiesel
- Find this compound by (?) at DCChem (original link: Silica Gel: DC Chemical Co., Ltd. Chemical properties
- Find this compound by (?) at DIBT
- Find this compound by (?) at Drierite (original link: Drierite information from its manufacterer)
- Find this compound by (?) at Drugs (original link: Fosrenol - Drugs.com
- Find this compound by (?) at Dryiceinfo (original link: Dry Ice information)
- Find this compound by (?) at EMedicine (original link: eMedicine article)
- Find this compound by (?) at envirogel (original link: UK Material Safety Datasheet)
- Find this compound by (?) at euro WHO (original link: WHO-Europe reports: Health Aspects of Air Pollution (2003) (original link: PDF) and "Answer to follow-up questions from CAFE (2004) (original link: PDF))
- Find this compound by (?) at Infoplease (original link: Infoplease.com -- Paris green 6 Feb. 2006
- Find this compound by (?) at Ioffe Rssi (original link: Ioffe Institute semiconductor properties. InSb))
- Find this compound by (?) at LC Labs (original link: sirolimus)
- Find this compound by (?) at MOSIR
- Find this compound by (?) at MT-Berlin (original link: Moltech Berlin)
- Find this compound by (?) at Navbharat (original link: Nav Bharat Metallic Oxide Industries). (uses of zinc oxide)
- Find this compound by (?) at NewScientist Tech (original link: Carbon dioxide glass created in the lab - New Scientist
- Find this compound by (?) at Magnesium
- Find this compound by (?) at origen (original link: origen.net – CCA wood and arsenic: toxicological effects of arsenic)
- Find this compound by (?) at PhosphorusControl.com - PhosphorusControl.com
- Find this compound by (?) at ScienceStuff (original link: MSDS for lead nitrate, Science Stuff Inc)
- Find this compound by (?) at Southern Exposure (original link: Silica Gel with Moisture indicator: Instructions for Use Detailed use and re-drying info
- Find this compound by (?) at USA Today (original link: Mauna Loa 2004 update)
- Find this compound by (?) at Vegan Society (original link: Vegan Society article)
- Find this compound by (?) at Web Elements (original link: WebElements page on compound's properties)
- Find this compound by (?) at Web Elements (original link: Webmineral data)
- Find this compound by (?) at WHO (original link: WHO-Europe reports: Health Aspects of Air Pollution (2003) (original link: PDF) and "Answer to follow-up questions from CAFE (2004) (original link: PDF))
- Find this compound by (?) at IQ Usp (original link: Sulfuric acid analysis - titration freeware)
- Find this compound by (?) at WWWProd State.fl (original link: Report on steel corrosion by chloride including CaCl2)