قانون فرنسا

(تم التحويل من القانون الفرنسي)
النظام القضائي الفرنسي

ينقسم القانون الفرنسي إلى قسمين رئيسيين: القانون الخاص ("droit privé") والقانون العم ("droit public").

ويشمل القانون القضائي:

ويشمل القانون المدني:

القانون المدني الخاص

القانون الجنائي

القانون الدستوري

قانون الاتحاد الاوروبي الموحد


انظر أيضا


For a clear and easily-followed outline of the French legal structure, see:

The beginner should take especial note of:

With regard to print resources, it may be best to refer to one of the 'Que sais-je?' series of "pocketbook" volumes, which provide readable short summaries; for instance:

  • Aubert, Jean-Luc. Introduction au droit (Presses Universitaires de France, 2002) ISBN 2-13-053181-4, 127 pages (many editions)

Also recommended are:

  • Cairns, Walter. Introduction to French law (London : Cavendish, 1995) ISBN 1-85941-112-6.
  • Elliott, Catherine. French legal system (Harlow, England : Longman, 2000) ISBN 0-582-32747-4.
  • Starck, Boris. Introduction au droit 5. éd. (Paris : Litec, c2000) ISBN 2-7111-3221-8.
  • Bell, John. Principles of French law (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1998) ISBN 0-19-876394-8, ISBN 0-19-876395-6.
  • Dadomo, Christian. The French legal system 2nd ed. (London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1996) ISBN 0-421-53970-4.
  • West, Andrew. The French legal system 2nd ed. (London : Butterworths, 1998) ISBN 0-406-90323-9.

For both an overview and pointers toward further study, see the excellent introduction to the "France" section in

  • Reynolds, Thomas. Foreign law : current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions of the world (Littleton, Colo. : F.B. Rothman, 1989- ) v. (loose-leaf) ; 24 cm. ; Series : AALL publications series 33 ; Contents v. 1. The Western hemisphere -- v. 2. Western and Eastern Europe -- v. 3. Africa, Asia and Australia. ISBN 0-8377-0134-1 ; http://www.foreignlawguide.com/

Perhaps the best single-volume treatise on the French (and other foreign) legal systems is

  • David, René. Major legal systems in the world today : an introduction to the comparative study of law 3rd ed. (London : Stevens, 1985) ISBN 0-420-47340-8, ISBN 0-420-47350-5 ; (Birmingham, AL : Gryphon Editions, 1988) ISBN 0-420-47340-8.

French legal history appears throughout most of the above. Two volumes which address the subject specifically are:

  • Brissaud, Jean. A history of French public law (Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1915) Series : The Continental legal history series v. 9 ; Note : A translation of pt. II (omitting the first two sections of the introduction) of the author's Manuel d'histoire du droit français.
  • Brissaud, Jean. A history of French private law (Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1912) Series : The Continental legal history series v. 3. Note : Translation of pt. III (with the addition of one chapter from pt. II) of the author's Manuel d'histoire du droit français.

For the original French text, see

  • Brissaud, Jean, 1854-1904. Manuel d'histoire du droit français (Paris : Albert Fontemoing, 1908).

Some other references for French legal history might include:

  • Castaldo, André. Introduction historique au droit 2. éd. (Paris : Dalloz, c2003) ISBN 2-247-05159-6.
  • Rigaudière, Albert. Introduction historique à l'étude du droit et des institutions (Paris : Economica, 2001) ISBN 2-7178-4328-0.
  • Thireau, Jean-Louis. Introduction historique au droit (Paris : Flammarion, c2001) ISBN 2-08-083014-7.
  • Bart, Jean. Histoire du droit (Paris : Dalloz, c1999) ISBN 2-247-03738-0.
  • Carbasse, Jean-Marie. Introduction historique au droit 2. éd. corr. (Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1999, c1998) ISBN 2-13-049621-0.
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