
(تم التحويل من أيرقلس الطبيب)
Heraklas' sling XIII, the plinthios brokhos is produced in the same manner as a string figure. This example is formed in a doubled cord for better visibility.
The diplous karkhesios brokhos or the modern bottle sling
The epankylotos brokhos or the modern Tom fool's knot

هرَقلاس (باليونانية: Ἡρακλᾶς؛ إنگليزية: Heraklas) طان طبيباً يونانياً في القرن الأول الميلادي اشتهر بوصفه لعـُقـَد وأربطة الجراحين في الكتاب رقم 48 لـ أورباسيوس' المجموعات الطبية (Ἰατρικαὶ Συναγωγαί, Iatrikai Synagogai) تحت عنوان من هرقلاس.[1]

Describing them in detail, Heraklas discussed 16 different knots and slings,[1] including the earliest known written account of a string figure.[2] Accompanying illustrations of the knots were added later by Renaissance copyists, but modern analysis of the writings by knot experts has shown many of these early drawings to contain significant errors or misinterpretations.[3]

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العقد التي ذكرها

The current understanding of Heraklas' knots results primarily from analysis and identification by Hjalmar Öhrvall, Lawrence G. Miller, and Cyrus L. Day, although slightly differing interpretations and refinements continue to be made.[1] The table below shows the knots believed to have been described by Heraklas.

الفصل الاسم اليوناني الاسم المترجم المكافئ المعاصر
I ertos brokhos threaded noose cow hitch
II nautikos brokhos nautical noose clove hitch
III khiestos brokhos crossed noose overhand noose
IV boukolikos brokhos or sandalios brokhos pastoral noose or sandal noose overhand noose variation
V drakon brokhos dragon noose overhand noose variation
VI haploun hamma brokhos single knot noose (No modern name)
VII lykos brokhos wolf noose reef knot[4]
VIII herakleotikon hamma عقدة هرقل reef knot
IX haplous karkhesios brokhos single jug-sling noose "true lover's knot" (ABOK #1038)
X–XII diplous karkhesios brokhos double jug-sling noose bottle sling
XIII tetrakyklos plinthios brokhos four-looped rectangular noose String figure, "The sun clouded over"[5]
XIV epankylotos brokhos interlooped noose Tom fool's knot
XV ota brokhos ears noose (No modern name)
XVI diankylos brokhos two-looped noose (No modern name)
XVII ankhon brokhos strangler noose true lover's knot (ABOK #1038)[6]
XVIII hyperbatos brokhos transposed noose clove hitch[7]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب ت Hage, J. Joris (April 2008), "Heraklas on Knots: Sixteen Surgical Nooses and Knots from the First Century A.D.", World Journal of Surgery 32 (4): 648–655, doi:10.1007/s00268-007-9359-x, PMID 18224483, http://www.springerlink.com/content/ft83233774k358v1/, retrieved on 2009-07-15 
  2. ^ Miller, Lawrence G. (1945), "The Earliest (?) Description of a String Figure", American Anthropologist, New Series 47 (3): 461–462, doi:10.1525/aa.1945.47.3.02a00190 
  3. ^ Day, Cyrus L. (1967), Quipus and Witches' Knots, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, pp. 86–89, 101–151 
  4. ^ Although topologically identical, it is used in a different manner than "VII, Hercules knot". Specifically the bound object (e.g. a limb) is placed in the center of the reef knot.
  5. ^ See Caroline Furness Jayne's String Figures and How to Make Them (1906), p. 383, Roth Plate X, 1. and discussion p. 162. N. B. Miller (1945) correctly points out the difference of a single crossing in Jayne's fig. 359, p 161.
  6. ^ Although topologically identical, it is used in a different manner than "IX, single jug-sling noose".
  7. ^ Although topologically identical, it is used in a different manner than "II, nautical noose".